Dupuytren’s Contracture Release Surgery

by | Sep 4, 2024 | Uncategorized

Hands Are Wide Open & Waving: Innovations In Dupuytren’s Contracture Release Surgery

There are few areas of life where we do not depend on our hands. But for so many people, what most take for granted, is a significant challenge. For years, people suffering from Dupuytren’s Contracture Release, have been forced to either endure extensive surgery or live with the challenge of a condition where the tissue under the skin of the palm thickens and tightens over time, causing one or more fingers to bend into the palm. The condition is progressive, affecting the connective tissue in the palm of the hand. Over time, it can cause fingers to become permanently bent towards the palm, making it difficult to straighten them, limiting functionality, and adversely affecting quality of life.

Resulting from genetic predisposition, generally in older men, Dupuytren’s Contracture often results in a thickening and puckering of the skin within the palm of the hand, sometimes driven by the formation of nodules or lumps under the skin, particularly in the palm or fingers.


Generally diagnosed through physical examination by a healthcare provider, the presence of nodules or cords in the palm and fingers can be palpated. In some cases, imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI may be used to evaluate the extent of the condition. In mild cases where the contracture is not significantly impacting function, a “watch-and-wait” approach may be recommended. For more progressed stages, techniques such as needle aponeurotomy (also known as needle fasciotomy), or collagenase injections may be used to break up the thickened tissue and improve finger extension.

Challenges arise in more severe cases, or when non-surgical techniques are not having the desired outcomes. During these scenarios, surgical solutions may include:

  • Fasciotomy is the making of incisions in the affected tissue to release the contracture and allow the fingers to straighten.
  • Fasciectomy, which entails the removal of thickened tissue (fascia) causing the contracture. Fasciectomy may involve partial or complete excision of the affected tissue . . . and in extreme cases,
  • Fasciotomy with grafting, which combines Fasciotomy with tissue grafting techniques to repair and reconstruct the affected area.


When surgery is the best, or perhaps the only option, WellBridge Surgical provides a level of surgery that can be life-changing.

As with any surgical procedure, it is not unusual for a patient to experience some post-operative discomfort, but with hand therapy and rehabilitation exercises, timelines for returning to normal hand functionality can be kept to a minimum.

WellBridge Surgical’s same-day procedure, followed by home recovery, provides patients with more comfort, more quickly, and allows them to spend less time away from their priorities.

Any decision to opt for surgery should be carefully considered, balancing the challenges of recovery, ranging from short-term pain, infection risk, and the need for rest and self-care, with the benefits of effective, permanent hand repair.

Once the decision to pursue the option for surgery is made, there is one ambulatory surgery center (ASC) that stands above the rest . . . WellBridge Surgical.

WellBridge Surgical

Operating as an ambulatory surgery center, WellBridge provides outpatient, or same-day surgery for patients who do not require an overnight stay. The primary advantage of an ambulatory surgery center is our ability to provide the necessary surgical care in a more convenient, cost-effective, and personalized environment.

For example, after the surgery, our patient is monitored in the recovery room until they are stable enough to go home. Patients generally go home to recover. Our doctors provide post-operative instructions and follow-up, including any restrictions on activity and wound care, to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of complications.

If you are considering Dupuytren’s Contracture Release surgery, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

The healthcare industry can be intimidating, cloaked in ambiguity with respect to both pricing and treatment options. Under circumstances where treatment matters, WellBridge Surgical delivers high-quality surgical services directly to patients with cost-certainty, providing the peace of mind to proactively deal with both preventative and corrective healthcare issues. WellBridge has set the new standard for consumer-friendly healthcare in the Indianapolis area, supported by fixed, up-front pricing and an unparalleled level of patient understanding with respect to the most effective curative options. Dupuytren’s Contracture Release surgery via ASC care is just one of the many ways that WellBridge is leading the field in patient advocacy and service.

Contact WellBridge Surgical for more information or visit our website http://www.wellbridgesurgical.com.